2 Turners
Family Dentistry, LTD
327 Buckeye Blvd.
Port Clinton, OH 43452
phone: 419-734-5574
Business Hours:
Monday, Tuesday,
Subject to change |
8:00 am - noon and 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Closed |
Qualifying patients may finance dental care for
up to 12 months with no interest through Care
We accept: www.watchcenter.org
We accept Cash, Personal Checks, MasterCard,
Visa, Discover, and American Express.
We will take reasonable
steps to provide free-of-charge language
assistance services to people who speak
languages we are likely to hear in our practice
and who don't speak English well enough to talk
to us about the dental care we are providing.
Tomaremos acciones razonables para
proporcionar servicios de asistencia linguistica
gratuitos a aquellas personas cuyo lenguaje
escuchemos freuentemente en nuestro consultorio
y que no habien un ingles lo suficientemente
bueno como para hablar con nosotros sobre el
servicio odontologico que suministramos.